
G&M Radiator has expanded to include Gallay, Be-cool, Alutec, Glasgow Radiator, G&M Ireland, SCFM and Sakarya Teknoloji.
Companies who together have a wealth of experience in the Original Equipment market

Even with over 50 years of manufacturing, we are still learning and always on the look out for new opportunities and markets
Our reputation and standing within the heat exchange industry has allowed us to develop a major supply and manufacturing partnership with Dolphin Manufacturing, UAE, another internationally renowned company

G&M Radiator Group

Gallay / Becool Radiators

Gallay Ltd, which also incorporates Becool Radiators, specialises in the design and manufacture of engine cooling packages and HVAC systems for the O.E. market for use in a variety of applications including on-highway, off-road and military vehicles.

The Company has particular expertise in providing equipment for special-purpose vehicles.

Gallay Ltd factory

G&M Ireland, Galway

Our Irish manufacturing and distribution company was set up Galway, Eire to service the Irish market.

With its young and vibrant workforce it has quickly become the premier manufacturer and distributor in the Irish market.

G&M Radiator Ireland factory


Alutec UK Ltd, based in Staffordshire, joined the G&M Group in 2007. This aquisition allows G&M to extend it`s range to manufacture Air, Water and Oil Heat Exchanger in both Aluminium and Steel.

From initial design through prototyping to final production Alutec provide the customer with the simple solution to the complicated problem.

Alutec factory

G&M Distribution Centre

With the G&M Group manufacturing companies, and the overseas product imports from our partner GMD, the G&M Distribution Centre offers the efficiency to receive, handle, store and dispatch product.

Two container loading bays, narrow aisle lift trucks and computerised stock system make handling product efficient and reliable.

London Road G&M Distribution Centre

Glasgow Radiator

Glasgow Radiator, G&M`s Radiator Repair Division, has been completely redeveloped in the recent years, to become one of the best radiator repair shops in the country. It offers a range of services covering the repair and replacement of all types of radiator, ranging from automotive, commercial through to the heaviest plant, off-highway and marine applications.

It also has Shot-blasting facilities available. For larger applications Glasgow Radiator is one of the few Repairers in the UK able and willing to undertake such work.

Glasgow Radiator company workshop


Based in Anaheim, California, USA, the high performance fan company was purchased by the G&M group in April 2015.

Sakarya Teknoloji

Sakarya Teknoloji is the Turkish division of the G&M Group of companies, and was established in 2020 to enhance our service to Turkish clients.

Sakarya Teknoloji, Turkey